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Completing the Application.

Ensure you have the following supporting documentation available. Some documentation may need to be in PDF format.  You can use your IPhone to scan your documents as PDFs and then Email them to us. See URL Email to


1. Make, Model, VIN Number and Tag Number of each car.

2. Two most recent Pay Stub emailed to us as a PDF.

3. Driver's License and SSN Card emailed to us as PDFs.

4. Names, Birth Dates, and Ages of all Occupants.
5. Your Social Security Number, Information on your Current Credit Score, Employment an
d residency.

6. Emergency Contact Information.

7. A word about Service and ESA Animals : You must declare all the required Service or ESA Animal Medical Records, consolidate them into a single PDF and upload them at time of the application submission. We have very strict property damage inspection policies and only consider Texas Medially Certified-Registered Service Animals or Emotional Support Animals as long as they fit the following criteria:

  • You are disabled and a Texas Licensed Medical Professional that has treated you and has prescribed the need of a Service and-or ESA animal (you must provide us with current, dated , official medical documentation to the facts of your condition), and

  • The request doesn't create hardship for us or other tenants (for example, our ability to provide reasonable accommodation). We cannot accommodate an animal other than a Cat or small dog under 20 pounds.

Once each page is completed, you must click the "Audit" image to validate your entries before being allowed to proceed to the next page. Make corrections if necessary. On successful Audit result, click "Next Section" to proceed.

All fields highlighted in "Red" are required to be completed.  You may navigate forward and backwards through the pages via the "Next" and "Previous" buttons. You may Leave the application by pressing the "Leave" button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

You will be required to insert your Authorization Code to restart the application or re-visit it for updates so keep it handy.  


Finally, you will need to take note of your Unique 32 Alphanumeric Application Digital Signature Verification Code listed to the right.

You may Call MLC at 214-385-0636 with any questions.

Thank You.


A link to the application will appear after you have acknowledged reading  the instruction's. 

Please make note of your unique 32 alphanumeric Application Digital Signature Verification Code:

All fields in this section are required.

Be sure you have the documentation necessary to compete this application as described in the "Read Me" section to the left.

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